There is something about colour that evokes such whimsical joy and wonderment. Colour speaks its own language, creates its own mood, carries a presence and a connection to life itself.

We were super fortunate this week to be able to work with the incredible @elsas_wholesomelife on her and @alphafoodie's #RAINBOWFOODCHALLENGE, which serves as a reminder to include more plants in our diets, and colourful ones at that! By choosing to create rainbow meals or order dishes that contain a higher variety of colours, you are eating more wholesome dishes, and getting a wider range of nutrients. Ellie asked us to put together a colourful Buddha Bowl recipe for you to try at home you can find the recipe here!

There is something about colour that evokes such whimsical joy and wonderment. Colour speaks its own language, creates its own mood, carries a presence and a connection to life itself. The sky’s celestial golden glow as the sun surrenders its last luminance before dipping into night. The soft pink blush of a cheek that has just been kissed for the first time. A deep turquoise sea infused with rays of light that pierce through her forceful swell and marble the ocean floor. Colour is beautiful.

But the wonder of colour is not limited to aesthetics. It is intrinsically linked to nutrition in the food we eat, and a visual guide to help us gather all the essential vitamins and nutrients we need from our diet. The vibrant colour of produce and whole foods is an indication of the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients unique to that colour, and including an array of colours from plant sources helps ensure we are getting a well-balanced diet inclusive of every nutrient we need to thrive.

Come with us on a journey captivated by colour, flavour and wholesome ingredients that burst forth nourishment and a vibrant celebration of life. In other words, let’s eat a rainbow!?

There’s something about the harmony between raw and roasted that brings both freshness and comfort to this delicious bowl. Nutra Organics Vegetable Broth brings an irresistibly rich vegetable garden flavour to the quinoa and contains ingredients to support immunity, and pantry staples ensure the most premium quality, organic ingredients are on hand.

Use this as a guide to make your own rainbow creation, as long as there is a balance of plant protein, good fats, whole grains, a larder of good quality pantry staples and an array colourful vegetables, you are in nourish bowl heaven!

Big thanks to Ellie for letting us get colourful and creative with a bowl of nourishing deliciousness, you can follow her on Instagram @elsas_wholesomelife. Or head to her website: to be inspired by her beautiful recipes and envy-inducing travels!

You can find the recipe for our Exotic Rainbow Buddha Bowl here.

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