Easter Hot Choc with Toasted Marshmallows

with Choc Whiz

These toastable homemade marshmallows are as fluffy as an Easter bunny and the perfect refined sugar-free way to get that classic cosy Easter hot choc and marshmallow treat. Plus they are the perfect amount of melted when floating happily in their hot choc bath, aka your mug. Enjoy your hot choccie knowing you’re gut health benefits from Natural Gelatin, plus brain boosting benefits from Choc Whiz or glowing skin from Collagen Hot Chocolate; so delicious and nutritious it’s not even bunny. You can easily make a big batch of this one and share it with the whole family.
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¼ cup water
250 ml maple syrup
3 egg whites
250m milk (of your choice)


1 tsp Choc Whiz or Collagen Hot Chocolate

10g Natural Gelatin

  1. Line a 20 cm x 20 cm pan or container with baking paper. Line it a second time so the edges come up all four sides of the container.
  2. Place the gelatin and 1/4 cup of water in a mixing bowl to bloom.
  3. Place egg whites in a bowl and mix with beaters until a firm meringue-like texture forms.
  4. Meanwhile heat the maple syrup and bring to the boil. Let it boil for a couple of minutes at soft boil stage (or about 115 degrees if you have a candy thermometer).
  5. While mixing the egg whites, slowly add the liquid a little at a time, until about ⅓ syrup is left.
  6. Then carefully add in bloomed gelatin to the remaining maple syrup and stir to combine. Continue until it is all added and the mixture has a thick, creamy consistency.
  7. Pour into mould and set for 1-2 hours in the fridge.
  8. Cut into chunks then thread on a skewer and toast.
  9. To make the hot choc, heat 250g milk (per drink) and add 1 heaped tsp of Choc Whiz or Collagen Hot Chocolate to a mug, add the milk, stir to combine.
  10. Toast the marshmallows carefully over a flame, be careful not to be over zealous with the heat as gelatin does melt, so a brief heat to scorch the marshmallows will do the job (we used a kitchen blow torch)
  11. Eat them or plop them into the hot chocolate - enjoy!


Natural Gelatin

Natural Gelatin

From $28.95

Choc Whiz

Choc Whiz

From $27.95

Collagen Hot Chocolate

Collagen Hot Chocolate


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