At Nutra Organics, we are proud to say that ALL of our vitamins and minerals come from natural sources! Want to know more? See an example below of how our Collagen Beauty products are delivering only wholefood sources of pure vitamins and minerals.

table of collagen beauty - how to spot synthetic ingredients

What is the difference between natural and synthetic vitamins & minerals?

Natural Vitamins come from a variety of wholefood sources (fruit, vegetables, spices, herbs, algae, seeds, amongst many others). These natural vitamins are extracted from a natural source and contain a variety of other beneficial nutrients and co-factors. They are often assimilated more easily by the body and are usually considered safe.

Synthetic Vitamins are chemically created in a laboratory and are often isolated from their co-factors. They may not be as easily absorbed or utilised by the body as natural vitamins.

Overall natural sources of vitamins are generally considered superior to lab made ones, due to the presence of other beneficial macronutrients (example co-factors) and better recognition and absorption by the body.

Natural Minerals are obtained from naturally occurring sources such as rocks, soil, and water. These naturally extracted minerals contain a variety of other beneficial minerals and trace elements that help the body to absorb and utilise them properly.

Synthetic Minerals, on the other hand, are chemically produced in a laboratory and are created chemically by combining various elements. They are typically isolated and do not contain other beneficial mineral co-factors that aid absorption and utilisation.

While both natural and synthetic minerals can be effective for providing essential minerals to the body, the body will often more readily absorb natural minerals because they are more easily recognised by the body.

How to spot synthetic ingredients?

Some of the ways you can spot synthetics in your foods is through the ingredients list. Have you ever noticed the differences in the naming convention for certain vitamins and minerals? Depending on the way they are listed, you can tell if they come from a natural or synthetic source. See some examples below:

how to spot synthetic ingredients

The list is constantly being added to as time passes and technology develops. If you’re ever unsure of ingredients on a label, spend some time researching its source. Where it comes from is important! At Nutra Organics we only use wholefood sources of vitamins & minerals that are actually natural. You won’t spot any synthetic vitamins in any of our formulations - that’s a promise!

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