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Fruit Salad Jelly Cups

with Gutsy Gummies
Easy peasy
2 hours 10 minutes
Fruit Salad Jelly Cups

The Perfect Healthy Treat for Kids

Jelly cups but make them a healthy treat for kids - winning! Eating these fruit salad cups is like going to an aquarium (a fruity one) and seeing all the colourful fruit swimming inside - only you get to eat this mini work of art. With protein, vitamin C for kids and gut loving benefits thanks to Gutsy Gummies, these Fruit Salad Cups make for the perfect, healthy and refreshing anytime-of-day snack.

The Benefits of Extra Protein & Vitamin C for Kids

These jelly cups will boost your kid’s intake of protein and vitamin C

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Pantry Items
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  • ½ cup Gutsy Gummies (flavour of choice)
  • 3.5 fluid oz water (to bloom)
  • 27 fluid oz recently boiled water
  • 4-5 cups mixed fruit, cut into bite size pieces
  • 6 drinking cups
  1. Bloom Gutsy Gummies mix by adding the water to the mixture in a jug and mix until you have an even texture
  2. Add the recently boiled water to the jug and mix into the bloomed Gutsy Gummies and stir until dissolved
  3. Divide the fruit between all of the drinking cups
  4. Pour the liquid into the cups until filled to the top and set in the fridge for 2 hours or until set.